I’ll be honest with you, this is a straight-up sales email.
And it’s targeted (ish)
Basically, my clever database tells me that you did click a link in one of my newsletters about DAY17 - but you didn’t buy a ticket.
If that’s not you, I’m sorry. Let me know and I’ll nip its chips (that sounds more painful than I’d planned).
Still reading?
If that description is you I blame myself.
Either: I haven’t promoted the event well enough.
Or, I have promoted it, but you hate me.
Or... it’s the price point.
I think the promotion was ok. The good news for me and another 100 happy people, is that DAY17 in the Gala Theatre Durham is sold out.
And I’m hoping you don’t hate me.
So it must be the price point?
The good news for you is that streaming tickets are available – of course they are, you can’t really run out of streaming tickets.
Now, if you’re like me, you’ll feel unbridled joy when you’re in a supermarket, it's close to closing and you see them sticking on the yellow stickers.
Until 2 minutes before I was there for loo roll and biscuits, now I’m buying a tray of sushi and a family
pack of chicken thighs.
All that to introduce this...
Yes, it’s yellow sticker time and it's for the DAY17 Stream.
And this link is your yellow sticker.
It will work for just 24 hours and then, like the sushi, it’s off.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, click on the
link and check out the VERY special price you’re being offered for the LIVE Stream and REPLAYS of DAY17.
It's real Yellow Sticker discount - no fish.
24 hours – go
Be Brilliant!