DAY17 Durham is only a few days away!
I'm excited and looking forward to seeing many of you.
STREAMING INFO - People attending live will ALSO have had an email on Tuesday with your event details.
The LIVE STREAMING is free for TEAM17 members who are unable to be in Durham.
The DAY17 Stream starts at 11am and finishes at 5pm.
I wanted to double and triple check that you know there is a special link for you to use if you want
to join us for the LIVE STREAM.
THIS IS YOUR LINK (this is not our normal zoom room):
DAY17 Durham starts at 11am and ends at 5pm.
We have three chapters:
Chapter 1 11:00am -
Chapter 2 1.35pm - 3:10pm
Chapter 3 3:30pm -
All times are ambitious and approximate!
If you're watching the stream please do your best to join us for the whole day or you can dip in and out if you need to.
The LIVE stream will be recorded and available on replay. We aim to have the films edited, uploaded and available within one
I'm looking forward to seeing you for a brilliant day.
I'm beyond excited. It's going to be one of the best events EVER!
Be Brilliant!