On Monday I made my regular live broadcast about the pros and cons of waiting.
I’ll write about it in a few weeks.
In the middle of my broadcast Mrs H called my mobile.
She knows I’ve been doing theses lives, at 12 noon, every week, for the past 4 years, so there must have been something of grave importance she had to tell me.
There was.
We’d missed the bin men.
Not just any bin men. The garden bin men!
The first of the year.
That one where you pay a small fortune for the sticker.
I saw the wagon pass my office window and completely lost my thread.
Instead of discussing the pros and cons of patience I started rambling on about garden bin collections.
Those watching must have been wondering
if I was ever going to get to the point.
Same as you, reading this now!
And then a strange thing happened.
People thanked me
for the heads up – their garden bin was due.
Others ‘felt my pain’.
After the call I added a fortnightly calendar entry – ‘Garden Bin Day!’
The title of this
message is, ‘Is there anything worse?’
My goodness there is. Many, many things, a lot worse.
And it’s worth remembering (not dwelling).
someone says, ‘It could be worse’ it’s because yes, it could.
I’d love to know your thoughts on this message, bin collections or anything else that’s on your mind after reading.
Please let me know by leaving a comment here. I love reading them.
Be Brilliant!