Hooray! DAY17 is only a few days away.
As it's on a Sunday we will start at 6pm.
We've lots to talk about. The topic will be:
Turning DAY17 Durham into daily habits.
It was a brilliant day and I've been buzzing ever since. If you haven't had a chance to watch the replays, then please take a peep this
We've lots to cover on Sunday and I'll be talking about the amazing speakers we were lucky to see and all that we discovered.
Don't worry if you haven't seen all the replays or you didn't make it live, just catch up with what you can.
You can watch them all here: https://go.michaelheppell.com/products/team17-university/categories/2154801850
The TEAM17 Zoom waiting room is open from 5.45pm.
Here's the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89915812971
See you LIVE at 6pm (uk).