DAY17 was incredible last night. I loved our interaction and it's brilliant to have Sarah back!
And thanks to high speed fibre broadband, the replay is available to watch now. It's here.
DAY17 Durham was a month ago, but we're still learning from the speakers and their amazing talks.
I've watched the replays three times.
Last night, I shared Alfie Joey's awesome drawings of the event.
You can see them in the TEAM17 Facebook Group.
The theme was 'Turning DAY17 Durham into daily habits.'
We're all guilty of attending events, becoming excited, taking pages of notes and then doing... nothing.
I want to make sure you create brilliant actions from DAY17 Durham.
Last night, in breakout rooms, we discussed.
What inspired you?
What have you done?
What will you do?
I'd love to know your answers. Please share in the TEAM17 FB group.
If you haven't caught up with the DAY17 Durham replays you can see them all here.
Be Brilliant!