Have you ever paused to ponder the significance you attach to situations, items, or even superstitions in your life?
I find it fascinating how we fill them with meaning.
Sometimes, that can lead you down a rabbit hole of
misunderstanding and misinterpretation.
Take superstitions; those curious beliefs ingrained in cultures worldwide.
They’re fascinating and full of contradictions.
Are black cats lucky? Or should you avoid dark-haired moggies?
Are they merely remnants of ancient folklore, or do they hold a deeper psychological significance?
Psychologists suggest that superstitions arise from our innate desire to
control the unpredictable nature of life.
By following rituals or beliefs, we’re attempting to apply some influence over circumstance and see some comfort in (the illusion) of order.
All this segued into the chaos of daily life.
However, this reliance on superstition can lead to misguided beliefs and misplaced trust in the irrational.
Take, the number 13. For centuries, it has been regarded as an omen of
misfortune, leading many to avoid it at all costs.
Lots of hotels don’t have rooms that end with 13 as guests refuse to stay in them.
Yet, in reality, we know a number holds no inherent power and its significance is purely subjective, shaped by cultural
perceptions and historical anecdotes.
In a world of uncertainty, is it essential to distinguish between meaningful beliefs and baseless superstitions?
While the latter may offer temporary solace, they often crumble under scrutiny, leaving us
stranded in a sea of doubt and confusion.
Yet, amidst the chaos, there exist constants—anchors of certainty that ground us in reality.
Whether it's the love of family, the pursuit of knowledge, or the embrace of community, these are the pillars upon which we build our
Unlike superstitions, they offer tangible support, guiding you through life's trials with steady strength.
Basically, as you consider meaning and superstition, don’t miss the solid ground beneath your feet.
It's not superstitions that define you but the meaning you choose to embrace.
Attach significance to the things that truly matter to create your sense of certainty.
Are you
What do you build your certainty on?
Would you stay in Room 13?
I’d love to know. Please share your thoughts here.
New time for Wellness Wednesday
For the last four years, the brilliant Dean Coulson has presented
a weekly Wellness Wednesday LIVE in my Facebook group, How to Be Brilliant.
He’s changing the time (not the day – you can’t mess with Wellness Wednesday) to 6pm every Wednesday. It’s a brilliant way to grab some
useful health and well-being knowledge and inspiration.
Happy Easter.
Be Brilliant!