You've probably heard of situation, perception, decision.
This is where, when you find yourself in a situation (often a sticky one), you use this three-step process.
First, know where you are. That’s to focus on the actual situation.
Then what it means to you. In other words, your perception of the situation.
With that information, it’s easier to make a decision.
Because if you're like most people (and I'm sure you are), you love to hear what you love to hear.
That means it’s easy to create a deception.
Even though deep down you know you're
only deceiving yourself - you still do it.
Like that one piece of cake.
The ‘no one will notice if I don't do X’.
An e-mail will be as good as a call.
If I do nothing it will go away.
All of these deceptions can easily be justified.
The problem is this type of thinking means you stand still.
The best way to overcome the deception is
to take one action immediately after making a decision.
The magic’s in the moving.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave them here.
Be Brilliant!